Emotional intelligence and mood states associated with optimal performance

A. Lane, Richard Thelwell, T. Devonport

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    This study utilized a within-subject design to investigate relationships between emotional intelligence and memories of mood states associated with optimal and dysfunctional performance in competitive sport and academic situations. Sport students (N = 436) completed a self-report Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS), whilst retrospective accounts of mood states associated with optimal and dysfunctional sporting competition and academic examination performance were recorded using the Brunel Mood Scale. Repeated measures MANOVA results indicate that mood states associated with optimal and dysfunctional performance are situation-specific (Sport x Academic Interaction: Pillai's Trace 8,428 = .70, p < .00, Partial eta squared = 0.09). Differences in mood states between optimal and dysfunctional performance were more pronounced for athletic situations, thereby suggesting mood states are associated with performance, but the nature of these relationships are situation-specific. A further analysis was completed to explore the role of emotional intelligence in mediating mood performance relationships. A MANCOVA comparing differences in mood states by performance (optimal and dysfunctional performance) by situation (sport and academic)controlling for EIS scores indicated a significant threeway interaction effect. Findings indicate that self reported beliefs of emotional intelligence are associated with optimal mood states for different situations. Future research should continue to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence in performance contexts. The ultimate objective being to develop an understanding of the role emotional intelligence plays in contextualised optimal performance.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)67-73
    Number of pages7
    JournalE-Journal of Applied Psychology
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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