Empirical insights into software startups

Varun Gupta*, Zoe Hoy, Chetna Gupta

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    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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    Software startups bring innovative products to the market. However, such innovation is at the cost of highly educated guesswork about customer expectations and quick decision making by persons responsible for strategic planning and implementation. It is therefore of interest to understand the challenges and practices faced by startups that aim to release something innovative in selected market segments. Hence, this chapter investigates the challenges faced by entrepreneurs of startups and the practices they follow to become successful. The specific challenges explored include (1) how startups handle software evolution, (2) challenges faced in releasing products to the market, and (3) the state of affairs of software engineering in startups. Results indicate that despite guidance and support in terms of well-known and documented development methods, practitioners find it difficult to implement and apply these in practice. They must quickly evolve their products to sustain in the market, and the market is highly uncertain, which makes the complete process highly probabilistic.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEmerging Technologies for Innovation Management in the Software Industry
    EditorsVarun Gupta, Chetna Gupta
    PublisherIGI Global
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Electronic)9781799890614
    ISBN (Print)9781799890591, 9781799890607
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2022

    Publication series

    NameAdvances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing (ASASEHPC) Book Series
    PublisherIGI Global
    ISSN (Print)2327-3453
    ISSN (Electronic)2327-3461


    • software
    • start ups


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