EP2DC - an EPrints module for linking publications and data

T. P. Austin, Mark Scott, S. J. Johnston, Philippa A. S. Reed, Kenji Takeda

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Different research perspectives, contexts, and competencies almost certainly result in individual researchers interpreting data in different, sometimes radically different ways, and it is simply not credible to expect a single researcher or research group to gain the full potential from a given data set. Shared data thus represent an untapped resource of significant potential and, if the scientific community is to benefit to the full, it is essential that effective data conservation and sharing practices become embedded in mainstream research. To this end, EP2DC is a prototype EPrints module designed to support the submission of experimental data sets together with the manuscript to which they correspond. Its development recognises the worth and potential for reuse of high quality research data, and is consistent with trends in scientific publishing and funding agency policies that advocate a more responsible approach to conserving research data.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPV 2011 Ensuring Long-Term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical Data
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2011
EventEnsuring long-term preservation and adding value to scientific and technical data - Toulouse, France
Duration: 15 Nov 201117 Nov 2011


ConferenceEnsuring long-term preservation and adding value to scientific and technical data
Abbreviated titlePV2011


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