Establishing the relationship between cutting speed and output parameters in belt grinding on steels, aluminum and nickel alloys: development of recommendations

Nelli Vladimirovna Syreyshchikova, Danil Yurievich Pimenov, Munish Gupta, Krzysztof Nadolny, Khaled Giasin, Shubham Sharma

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    This paper presents the research results of one of the main technological parameters of belt grinding, i.e., the cutting speed while machining corrosion- and heat-resistant, structural carbon and structural alloy steels, aluminum, and heat-resistant nickel alloys. Experimental and analytical methods are used to establish the dependence of the output parameters of surface belt grinding on the cutting speed and tool characteristics. An analytical model, considering the physical and mechanical properties of the grinding belt (strength depending on the base and bond; the thermal conductivity; the type of grinding operation) and the machined material, is created to determine the belt grinding speed. The output parameters, such as the arithmetic mean of the surface roughness (Ra) and the material removal rate (MRR) during the belt grinding of steels, heat-resistant and light alloys, have been studied. Based on the empirical dependencies of the belt grinding parameters, the model was developed for the selection and setting of the cutting speed of belt grinding for the aforementioned alloys, taking into account the type of operation, the type of the machined material, and the main characteristics of the sanding belt.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1974
    Pages (from-to)1-17
    Number of pages17
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2021


    • surface belt grinding
    • machining
    • cutting speed
    • surface roughness
    • material removal rate (MRR)


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