Evaluating post-accident nuclear risk by coupling GIS and rough sets theory

Salem Chakhar, C. Pusceddu, I. Saad

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    This paper deals with post-accident nuclear impact management. The main objective of the paper is to propose a multicriteria evaluation approach for characterizing the different districts of the affected area in terms of their vulnerability levels while taking into account multiple stakeholders having contradictory objectives and priorities. The proposed approach contains four phases: (i) identifying the stakes involved, (ii) identification of representative criteria, (iii) quantifying criteria scores, and (iv) group multicriteria classification. The last phase uses an output-oriented strategy to combine the perspectives of stakeholders. A decision support system supporting the approach has been developed. The approach is validated using real-world data relative to a nuclear risk management decision problem.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    EventProceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Urban and Regional Planning - Cagliari, Italy
    Duration: 10 May 201212 May 2012


    ConferenceProceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Urban and Regional Planning


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