Evidence for early comprehension of action verbs

Iris Nomikou, Katharina Rohlfing, Philipp Cimiano, Jean Mandler

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Applying an eye-tracking technique, we tested early verb understanding in 48 infants aged 9 and 10 months. Infants saw two objects presented side by side and heard a verb that referred to a common action with one of these objects (e.g., eating relating to a banana). The verbs were spoken by the parent in an interrogative manner in order to elicit a looking behavior in the infant. Results showed that 9-month-old infants did not show recognition of our test words. However, 10-month-old infants were able to understand a number of the tested verbs. In the discussion, we relate our findings to the nature of early verb representations.
Original languageEnglish
JournalLanguage Learning and Development
Early online date24 Sept 2018
Publication statusEarly online - 24 Sept 2018


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