Experimental Investigations and Pareto Optimization of Fiber Laser Cutting Process of Ti6Al4V

Jay Vora, Rakesh Chaudhari, Chintan Patel, Danil Yurievich Pimenov, Vivek K. Patel, Khaled Giasin, Shubham Sharma

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    In the current study, laser cutting of Ti6Al4V was accomplished using Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array (OA). Laser power, cutting speed, and gas pressure were selected as input process parameters, whereas surface roughness (SR), kerf width, dross height, and material removal rate (MRR) were considered as output variables. The effects of input variables were analyzed through the analysis of variance (ANOVA), main effect plots, residual plots, and contour plots. A heat transfer search algorithm was used to optimize the parameters for the single objective function including higher MRR, minimum SR, minimum dross, and minimum kerf. A multi-objective heat transfer search algorithm was used to create non-dominant optimal Pareto points, giving unique optimal solutions with the corresponding input parameters. For better understanding and ease of selection of input parameters in industry and by scientists, a Pareto graph (2D and 3D graph) is generated from the Pareto points.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1461
    Number of pages27
    Issue number9
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2021


    • fiber laser cutting
    • machining
    • Ti6Al4V
    • HTS algorithm
    • Taguchi
    • analysis of variance


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