Experimental protocol for testing the mass-energy-information equivalence principle

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The mass-energy-information equivalence principle proposed in 2019, and the information content of the observable matter in the universe estimated in 2021, represent two important conjectures, called the information conjectures. Combining information theory and physical principles of thermodynamics, these theoretical proposals made specific predictions about the mass of information, as well as the most probable information content per elementary particle. Here we propose an experimental protocol that allows empirical verification of the information conjectures, by confirming the predicted information content of elementary particles. The experiment involves a matter – antimatter annihilation process. When electron – positron annihilates, in addition to the two 511 keV gamma photons resulting from the conversion of their rest masses into energy, we predict that two additional low energy photons should be detected, resulting from their information content erasure. At room temperature, a positron – electron annihilation should produce two ~50 mm wavelength infrared photons due to the information erasure. This experiment could therefore confirm both information conjectures and the existence of information as the 5th state of matter in the universe.
Original languageEnglish
Article number035311
Number of pages6
JournalAIP Advances
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 4 Mar 2022


  • particle annihilation
  • elementary particles
  • information in the universe
  • mass-energy-information principle
  • 5th state of matter


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