Exploring stakeholders’ understanding of procurement performance expectations gap in public works contracts in Uganda’s district local governments: a qualitative analysis of results

Charles Kalinzi, Joseph Mpeera Ntayi, Moses Muhwezi, Levi Bategeka Kabagambe, John Kigozi Munene

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Studies on performance expectations gaps is sparse and incomplete, and yet it is becoming an increasing concern in public procurement. This study borrowed the concept of expectations gap from auditing, accounting and focused on ‘how do the different stakeholders with different needs, interests and expectations, perceive and interpret the procurement performance expectations gap (PPEG) in roadworks contracts’. Thirty-three key informants in two categories of ‘technical personnel’ and ‘road users’ were selected using purposive sampling from the four regions of Uganda. Semi-structured interview
guides were used to gain insight into understanding PPEG, and data was subjected to rigorous statistical analysis using ATLAS.ti version 22 software. Respondents understood PPEG to mean general lapse of procurement performance failure punctuated with growing levels of performance dissatisfaction, narrowness of the community access roads, delayed completion of road network and inconsistency in the quality of completed works, with three emerging themes: 1) laxity in performance efficiency; 2) laxity in performance effectiveness; 3) low level of community satisfaction. The implications of this study shows that whereas the technical personnel’s perception that the road user’s opinions might be grossly wrong, they must be respected in order to have a holistic community roadworks acceptance and support.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)141-169
Number of pages29
JournalInternational Journal of Procurement Management
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2023


  • procurement performance expectations gap
  • PPEG
  • community access roadworks
  • technical personnel
  • road users
  • ATLAS.ti
  • ‘arm-chair’ auditors


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