Exploring the morphology of flax fibres by X-ray microtomography and the related mechanical response by numerical modelling

E. Richely, A. Bourmaud, H. Dhakal, Zhong Yi Zhang, J. Beaugrand, S. Guessasma*

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    The external shape and internal lumen of flax fibres are investigated using X-ray microtomography (µ-CT) and finite element (FE) modelling. µ-CT reveals an intricate flax fibre and lumen morphology, with mean porosity contents between 0 and 7.2%. The FE model is based on 3D volumes obtained by X-ray µ-CT and tensile testing in the elastic domain. Numerical results demonstrate the decrease of stiffness as a combined effect of porosity and stress heterogeneity triggered by geometrical considerations. Moreover, stress concentrations induced by both surface roughness and complex lumen shape were observed, highlighting their possible implication in failure mechanisms. However, Young's moduli are overestimated compared to experimental curves and non-linearities are not considered by the rather strong hypothesis of this model (linear elastic material: no viscosity, plasticity or damage mechanisms taken into account). Future work should include the orientation and reorientation of cellulose microfibrils upon tensile testing, as well as damage mechanisms.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number107052
    Number of pages15
    JournalComposites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
    Early online date24 Jun 2022
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2022


    • Finite element analysis
    • Natural fibers
    • Stress concentrations
    • X-ray microtomography


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