Extendibility of educational systems to include a learner-adaptive motivational module

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Motivation is a key component of learning, no matter if it takes place in the classroom, via an online system or in a blended setting. Motivated learners feel more self-efficacious, they spend more effort and persist more on a task, they are more interested in the learning activities and they use more self-regulatory learning strategies. If in classroom teaching motivation is handled by teachers, in the case of online learning, motivation has been considered only in terms of content and ways of delivery. There is a need for considering motivation by educational systems in a more personalised way that would allow adequate interventional strategies to motivate learners. This paper explores the possibility of existing open-source educational systems to be extended with a motivational module.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe 12th NETTIES (Networking Entities) International Conference: The Future of E:Advanced Educational Technologies for a Future e-Europe
EditorsR. Vasile, R. Kimari, D. Andone
PublisherEd. Orizonturi Universitare
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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