Extending Reality: A Public AR Exhibition Exploring the Boundary Between the Tactile and Digital

    Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


    This artist's book presents a comprehensive examination of the utilization of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in enhancing a public art exhibition. It explores how digital media components such as animation, sound, moving image, and film were seamlessly integrated with physical artworks to create an immersive experience. Through the use of a complimentary app, viewers gained access to a wide range of interactive features that fostered a more profound engagement with the displayed artwork. The incorporation of AR technology blurred the boundaries between the physical and virtual realms, resulting in an elevated exhibition experience. Notably, certain artworks provided a fully immersive encounter, allowing viewers to physically navigate and explore the virtual environment of the artwork. Moreover, proximity-based interactions were integrated, triggering sounds as viewers approached specific artworks. Each artwork was associated with a map reference, and location-based clues were effortlessly delivered through the AR layer corresponding to the scanned artwork. This book serves as a comprehensive documentation and analysis of the event and exhibition, shedding light on the possibilities and implications of integrating AR technology within the realm of art exhibitions. It provides an opportunity for readers to personally experience the augmented elements of the artworks.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Jun 2023
    EventWe Shine Portsmouth - Portsmouth, United Kingdom
    Duration: 17 Nov 202219 Nov 2022


    • XR
    • extended reality
    • exhibition
    • exhibition design
    • artists book


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