Extension and validation of the novel destination brand equity model

Yuksel Ekinci*, Arnold Japutra, Sebastian Molinillo, Muzaffer Uysal

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This study develops and tests a novel destination brand equity model and compares its validity with Aaker’s (1991) brand equity model, which is popular in tourism. The data were collected in Indonesia (n = 250) and the United Kingdom (n = 246). The results confirm validity and hierarchical structure of the destination brand equity model. The destination brand equity model has seven dimensions: brand awareness, physical quality, service interaction quality, brand self-congruence, brand identification, destination brand trust, and destination brand loyalty. The first five brand equity dimensions exert positive influences on destination brand trust and destination brand loyalty. The findings show that the psychometric properties of the destination brand equity model outperform Aaker’s (1991) model. The study discusses theoretical and practical implications
of the destination brand equity model for destination marketing and management.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Travel Research
Early online date29 Sept 2022
Publication statusEarly online - 29 Sept 2022


  • brand self-congruence
  • brand identification
  • destination brand trust
  • destination brand loyalty
  • brand equity


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