Facilitating the adoption of public services using high definition video: the case of primary education

Andreea Molnar, Ramzi El-Haddadeh, Ray Hackney

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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    The adoption of innovative Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in public services in general, and in education in particular has intensified in the last few years. Although electronic services in learning has been used in primary, secondary and higher education for some years, the use of live video technology to facilitate public services has rarely been explored before. In this paper, we focus on the adoption of high definition video-to-video (V2V) communication in the context of public sector primary education. This paper examines how V2V technology can be utilised in encouraging collaborative learning initiatives among different schools. Results of a preliminary case study are presented highlighting some of the technical and users criteria required to ensure a successful adoption of video-to-video communication in the context of education.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Nineteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17, 2013
    PublisherAIS Electronic Library (AISeL)
    ISBN (Print)9780615559070
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2013
    Event19th Americas Conference on Information Systems - USA, Chicago, United Kingdom
    Duration: 15 Aug 201317 Aug 2013


    Conference19th Americas Conference on Information Systems
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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