Facilitating the facilitators of action learning in China: practices and prospects

Cheryl Brook, Christine Abbott

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    This paper explores the learning and experience of Western action learning facilitators engaged in developing Chinese facilitators of action learning, all of whom were also managers, as part of a qualification programme based in China. The Western facilitators interviewed for this study had been specifically asked by their hosts to deliver a ‘Revans’ based approach’ to action learning which was to include an emphasis on organisational as well as individual development. This paper suggests that the facilitators interviewed here saw themselves as being and acting very much according to Revans’ classical principles. The paper highlights some of the complexities inherent in facilitating action learning in China, and the complex and in some cases contradictory nature of facilitators’ learning about their own practice.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)200-214
    JournalAction Learning: Research and Practice
    Issue number2
    Early online date12 Aug 2019
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2020


    • Revans’ action learning


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