Factors affecting compliance with fishery regulations: a UK case-study

Aaron Hatcher, Shabbar Jaffry, O. Thebaud, E. Bennett

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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    Conventional economic models of regulatory compliance focus on an instrumental determination of individual behaviour in which the decision to comply or violate depends upon the perceived monetary costs and benefits. This suggests that compliance can only be achieved by ensuring that the expected costs are greater than the expected benefits, in other words by employing a deterrent effect. The policy implication is that desired levels of compliance must be achieved through enforcement, which is costly. More complete models of compliance behaviour take into account non-monetary factors such as social influences, moral norms and the perceived "legitimacy" of regulations and the regulatory authority. The paper describes a current investigation into the influence of non-monetary factors in determining compliance with quota restrictions among UK fishermen and discusses some preliminary results from the study.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Xth annual conference of the european association of fisheries economists
    EditorsP. Salz
    Place of PublicationThe Hague, The Netherlands
    PublisherAgricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI)
    Number of pages16
    ISBN (Print)9052425213
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 1998


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