FAHPSort: a fuzzy extension of the AHPSort method

Jana Krejčí, Alessio Ishizaka

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Analytic Hierarchy process (AHP) is a powerful method belonging to the full aggregation family of multi-criteria decision-making methods based on pairwise comparisons of objects. Since the information about the problem is usually not complete in real decision-making problems, it is difficult to express precisely the preferences on pairs of compared objects. This problem has been handled in the literature by introducing fuzziness into AHP. However, neither AHP nor its fuzzy extensions can deal with sorting decision-making problems, which form a significant part of decision-making problems. This paper presents the FAHPSort method a fuzzy extension of the AHPSort method, which is an adaptation of the AHP method for sorting decision-making problems. The FAHPSort method handles the vagueness in meaning of linguistic terms expressing the intensity of preference of one object over another one. Key properties of the FAHPSort method are described in the paper, and the method is illustrated in a decision-making problem.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1119–1145
Number of pages27
JournalInternational Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making
Issue number4
Early online date26 Mar 2018
Publication statusPublished - 11 May 2018


  • FAHPSort
  • AHPSort
  • sorting
  • Fuzzy AHP
  • fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix
  • constrained fuzzy arithmetic


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