Farmer identities and permanent grassland management: evidence from five European biogeographic zones

Shan Jin*, Yiying Cao, Michael Burd, Sophie Tindale, Zhiming Feng, Olivia Green , Paul Newell-Price, Victoria Vicario Modrono, Gabriele Mack, Pedro Sanchez Zamora, Rosa Gallardo-Cobos , Martina Spörri , Nadja El Benni, Natasha Alonso , Simona Miškolci, Samantha Outhwaite, Erik Hunter, Lynn J. Frewer

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1.Permanent grassland (PG) provides multiple ecosystem services. However, there is increasing concern regarding the decreased multifunctionality of PGs, including those located in Europe. The decreased PG multifunctionality has been attributed to the increased intensity of PG management, where decision-making is influenced by farmers’ relevant behavioural intentions and self-identities.

2.In order to investigate how farmer identities can translate into future adoption of PG management practices, interviews (n=373) were conducted with farmers from five European biogeographic zones. Their farms are located in Continental / Pannonian (Czech Republic), Mediterranean (Spain), Boreal (Sweden), Alpine (Switzerland) and Atlantic (United Kingdom) biogeographic regions. The data were analysed using a mixed-method approach involving thematic analysis and multinomial logistic regressions.

3.The thematic analysis enabled seven farmer “identity” types to be identified. The results of multinomial logistic regressions showed productivist identity was a predictor of farmers’ intention to intensify or extensify PG in the future, while land caretaker identity predicted maintenance of current PG management practice. Farmers with a higher dependence on income from agri-environment schemes were more likely to extensify their PG in the future, while those with a higher dependence on income from farm production were more likely to maintain current PG management practices. Older farmers were less likely to extensify their PG, and those having organic and extensive farms were more likely to intensify PG in the future.

4.Future policies and interventions that aim to increase PG-related ecosystem-service multifunctionality can be better more targeted by considering specific farm attributes, farmer identities and their future PG management intentions, as well as regional differences in these. Financial benefits and risks perceived by farmers should be considered when promoting any management practices, including in relation to policy interventions and policy levers.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages18
JournalPeople and Nature
Early online date30 Sept 2024
Publication statusEarly online - 30 Sept 2024


  • Permanent grassland
  • Farmer identity
  • Ecosystem service
  • Farmer decision-making


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