Faster and cheaper… and more: directions in library cataloguing from the 2010 Cataloguing and Indexing Group Conference

David Bennett

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

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    Shrinking budgets and increasing demand on libraries to deliver more front-line services to increase student recruitment and retention through information literacy support threaten to sideline the customer and business support offered by cataloguers. At the same time, the amount of printed materials libraries are buying is dwindling, reducing cataloguers’ traditional workload, whilst e-book bundles arrive with thousands of new catalogue records of decidedly variable quality each month, calling into question whether cataloguers can continue to provide comprehensive cataloguing quality assurance. Cataloguers are rising to meet these challenges through collaboration, modernisation, efficiency savings, and by taking on expanded roles in customer, research and information management support.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalCILIP Update with Gazette
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2011


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