FM Synthesis. Digital Preservation of Synthesis Data Across 30 years +

Pere Villez

    Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


    Digital data, including synthesiser data is gradually eroded as new incompatible technologies emerge. Despite the fact that canonical synthesis technques such as FM synthesis have remained the same over decades, hardware manufacturers created their own flavours of these techniques resulting in data structure differences. Consequently, musicians often cannot take data from one hardware platform onto another. This project tested the possiblility of creating these compatibilities.

    This research output tests whether F.M. synthesis hadrware data from a 1985 machine is perceptually preserved using a varity of step conversions spanning 3 decades. from one machine to another as new technologies arrived.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationUnited Kingdom
    Media of outputOnline
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2018


    • fm synthesis, yamaha cx5, yamaha cx5m, preenfm2, fm8, fm7, fm synthesizer, fm synthesiser, korg volca, yamaha dx7, element-s, element433, sound synthesis, phase modulation, tx81z, dx100, yamaha fb01, fb01, flight sequence, electroacoustic, electronic music, electronica


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