From Anaheim to Batuu: fan tourism and Disney’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge as transmedia playground

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    Recent additions to Disney’s portfolio such as Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe have not only expanded their storytelling potential but also inspired new theme park experiences that attract fans. The Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge attraction is a full-scale immersive experience containing rides, eateries and shops that draw directly from the fictional universe of the science fiction franchise. Fans engage with Disney cast members performing as various characters such as Darth Vader, making the fictional and fantastic a little more real and tangible. Rides offer immersive experiences and new characters guide you through your journey. This chapter examines the transmedia narratives within Galaxy’s Edge, arguing that the fan tourist experience is an integral component of Disney’s development of the Star Wars story. As fans seek more realistic interactions with fictional texts, Disney offers a transmedia playground that helps to grow the Star Wars universe and bring it to life.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationOn Disney
    Subtitle of host publicationDeconstructing Images, Tropes and Narratives
    EditorsUte Dettmar , Ingrid Tomkowiak
    Place of PublicationStuttgart
    PublisherJ. B. Metzler
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Electronic)9783662646250
    ISBN (Print)9783662646243
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Aug 2022

    Publication series

    NameStudien Zu Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und -Medien
    PublisherJ.B. Metzler
    ISSN (Print)2524-8634
    ISSN (Electronic)2524-8642


    • transmedia
    • Star Wars
    • Galaxy's Edge
    • theme park tourism
    • fandom


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