From customer understanding to design for processability: reconceptualizing the formal product innovation work process for non-assembled products

Lager Thomas, Chris Simms

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This paper explores company design of a formal work process for non-assembled products, using a survey mode of inquiry with a follow-up questionnaire in an interactive dialogue with selected case-companies. The preliminary findings suggest that in the development or reconfiguration of company product innovation work processes in the process industries, it is advisable to design a work process that is adapted to inherent and contextual process-industrial conditions. It is further indicated that such a product innovation work process requires greater product and process integration from ideation to product launch and increased focus on the industrialization phase. The proposed novel five-phase structural model presented in a Stage-Gate format, can be deployed as a guiding template in company development or reconfiguration of an enhanced product innovation work process for the development of non-assembled products.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102750
Number of pages17
Early online date13 Apr 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2023


  • Process industry
  • Non-assembled products
  • Product innovation
  • Work process
  • Stage-gate
  • Multimethodologies
  • Dynamic capabilities
  • Mixed methods research


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