From processing instruction on the acquisition of French imparfait to secondary transfer-of-training effects on French subjunctive and to cumulative transfer-of-training effect with French causative constructions

Alessandro G. Benati, James F. Lee, Cecile Laval

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution


    This chapter presents the results of an experimental study investigating transfer-of training effects of Processing Instruction on the acquisition of French as a foreign language from Processing Instruction on the Acquisition of French Imparfait to Secondary Transfer-of-Training Effects on French subjunctive and to Cumulative Transfer-of-Training Effect with French Causative Constructions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGrammar Acquisition and Processing Instruction: Secondary and Cumulative Effects
    EditorsAlessandro G. Benati, James F. Lee
    Place of PublicationBristol, UK
    PublisherMultilingual Matters
    Number of pages37
    ISBN (Print)9781847691040
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2008

    Publication series

    NameSecond Language Acquisition
    PublisherMultilingual Matters


    • second language acquisition, processing instruction, French, applied linguistics, bilingualism, bilingual education


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