From teacher to manager: expectations and challenge in the further education sector. A relationship model

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    In a turbulent working environment with varying expectations and challenges is it fair to expect further education teachers and managers to maintain and improve standards? This article highlights that with the incorporation of colleges began a series of initiatives to professionalise the FE sector. This coupled with pressures for those who work within it to meet KPIs in a climate of financial constraint and inconsistency of policy decisions led to a culmination of challenges. By reviewing current literature the article goes on to suggest that a conceptual shift in our thinking about teachers and managers based within the further education sector is necessary; one that considers the parallels in the two roles and the similarities in the expectations and challenges of each. This could considerably assist our understanding of the commonalities between these roles, and that instead of discussing teachers and managers as separate and seemingly opposing forces, it will develop a teacher-manager relationship model. This model creates an opportunity for further research to build upon to either; consider how the roles may seek a collegiate response to challenges or; how the gap in expectations may be narrowed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)208-220
    Number of pages13
    JournalResearch in Post-Compulsory Education
    Issue number2
    Early online date19 Jul 2017
    Publication statusEarly online - 19 Jul 2017


    • Further Education
    • Teacher
    • Lecturer
    • Middle Manager
    • Manager
    • Challenges
    • Expectations
    • England


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