G-BIM framework and development process for integrated AEC design automation

Sepehr Abrishami, Jack Goulding, Farzad Pour Rahimian, Abdulkadir Ganah, Anil Sawhney

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The integration and automation of the whole design and implementation process has become a pivotal factor in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) projects, especially regarding recent technological developments and emergent drivers in the field. Extant literature has highlighted a series of recurrent problems in process integration, especially at the conceptual design stage. This study presents the adoption of Generative Building Information Modelling (G-BIM) workspaces as an emerging technology. This has the potential to leverage conceptual design innovation in AEC projects. It builds upon the findings of an initial survey, and proffers a framework for using generative BIM workspaces at the conceptual design stage. This framework highlights the links and dependencies between generative/parametric tools and BIM applications to expedite information transition using generative tools primarily based on neutral BIM standards. Limitations of tools and approaches for providing accurate project information models are also captured in this framework. This paper demonstrates an overview of the G-BIM framework and the developed conceptual tool. Moreover, it reports on the challenges and opportunities associated with existing software applications. Findings reveal that the application of Generative Design (GD) can significantly enhance the design experience by assisting designers in the iterative generation of design alternatives and parameterisation processes. This framework purposefully integrates BIM with GD to enhance the design process at the conceptual design stage. This forms the rubrics for a working prototype which actively engages GD methods into a single dynamic BIM environment – the results of which will be presented in later works.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10-17
JournalProcedia Engineering
Early online date3 Dec 2014
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • AEC
  • automation
  • BIM
  • computational design
  • generative design
  • parametric design
  • conceptual design
  • Architecture


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