Geological Society of London Engineering Group Working Party on Periglacial and Glacial Engineering Geology

David Giles, Martin Culshaw, Laurance Donnelly, David Evans, Mike De Freitas, James Griffiths, Sven Lukas, Christopher Martin, Anna Morley, Julian Murton, David Norbury, Mike Winter

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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    In 2012 the Engineering Group of the Geological Society of London established a Working Party to undertake a state-of-the-art review on the ground conditions associated with former Quaternary periglacial and glacial environments and their materials, from an engineering geological viewpoint. The final report was not intended to define the geographic extent of former periglacial and glacial environments around the world but to concentrate on ground models that would be applicable to support the engineering geological practitioner. Key aspects of ground condition uncertainty would be addressed and developed within these ground models. The Working Party considered the following topics with respect to engineering geology: Quaternary Setting, Geomorphological Framework, Glacial Conceptual Ground Models, Periglacial Conceptual Ground Models, Engineering Materials and Hazards, Engineering Investigation and Assessment along with Design and Construction Considerations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEngineering geology for society and territory. Volume 6, Applied geology for major engineering projects
    EditorsGiorgio Lollino, Daniele Giordan, Kurosch Thuro, Carlos Carranza-Torres, Faquan Wu, Paul Marinos, Carlos Delgado
    Place of PublicationCham
    ISBN (Electronic)9783319090603
    ISBN (Print)9783319090597
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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