Geomorphological impacts of a flood event on ephemeral channels in SE Spain

J. Hooke, J. Mant

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    A flood event occurred on 30 September 1997, in three catchments, Torrealvilla, Salada and Nogalte, in SE Spain which were being monitored for morphological change. Peak discharges were high in the Torrealvilla catchment, moderate in the Salada and low in the Nogalte. Detailed topographic surveys were made before and after the flood and from these DEMs of difference were constructed. The two sites with highest flow both underwent significant incision of the channel. At other sites, both scour and aggradation of the channel took place, with scour holes of up to 1 m depth eroded. Elsewhere, within the channels major erosion took place downstream of tracks and structures such as check dams that impeded sediment movement. The pattern and amounts of change show little relationship to independent factors, other than a scale effect of peak discharge. Behaviour of channels is closely related to local sediment supply. Sediment flux calculated from changes in volumes at the site is comparable with the other figures produced for ephemeral channels and much higher than for perennially flowing streams.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)163-180
    Number of pages18
    Issue number3-4
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2000


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