Gestural Mappings: towards the creation of a three dimensional composition environment

Stephen Pearse

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    The creation of the UPIC system by Iannis Xenakis [6,
    pp.331-335] marked a highly evocative period in his compositional
    career in synthesizing and exploring directly,
    physical drawings and gestures. Since that date, few gestural
    based compositional tools have been created and explored
    by composers of contemporary Instrumental, Electronic
    or Acousmatic music. In the last couple of years society
    has seen the commercial sale of several inexpensive
    gestural based controllers for video game systems that allow
    the exploration and mapping of physical movements
    onto DSP (Digital Signal Processing). It has been documented
    for many years that more sensitive computer interfaces
    is one of the most important fields of research [3,
    p.209], however, few have used such hardware in a serious
    compositional sense. This initial investigation into the
    control of DSP and synthesis using physical movements
    and gestures is part of the ongoing research of the author
    into the creation of a fully dynamic three-dimensional
    composition environment.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Computer Music Conference
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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