Global talent management in knowledge intensive firms in and between Western Europe and India: future research directions

Vijay Pereira, Rita Fontinha

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    Considering the multinational dimension of numerous organisations, there is a growing concern with the management of talent at a global level. Accordingly, in this chapter, we focus on important theoretical and empirical research related to talent management in knowledge intensive firms, focusing specifically on Western Europe and India, especially the business process offshoring industry, with an aim to provide future research directions, as there is a vast gap in research in this area. We provide a thorough description of talent management strategies implemented in Western Europe and then move on to discuss the emerging talent management strategies in India, aiming to emphasise some specificities between the two regions. We additionally describe and analyse the talent flow patterns from Western Europe to India, and challenges for these European expatriates in India. Our overall aim is to understand the specific challenges of talent management focusing on the two regions, aiming to provide some hints to both researchers and practitioners.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGlobal talent management
    Subtitle of host publicationchallenges, strategies, and opportunities
    EditorsAkram Al Ariss
    Place of PublicationBerlin
    ISBN (Print)9783319051253
    Publication statusPublished - 2014

    Publication series

    NameManagement for professionals


    • Talent Management
    • Knowledge Intensive Firms
    • Western Europe
    • India
    • Cultural Specificities
    • Talent Flow
    • Business Process Offshoring
    • Expatriates
    • HRM
    • Future Research


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