Guiding principles for the development and use of lethal autonomous weapon systems

The Canberra Working Group, Peter Lee, Deane-Peter Baker, Erin Hahn, Ian MacLeod

Research output: Working paper

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In April 2019, an international group of scholars and practitioners met in Canberra, Australia, to discuss the practical, legal, ethical, and operational considerations presented by lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS). Inspired by the Montreux Document, the Group has sought to articulate guiding principles on the use of LAWS without taking a position on broader questions of the legitimacy and advisability of their use. The Group is not affiliated with any State and the work is independent of any official position. This is a consultation document and the principles it sets out represent a starting point for further development.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2019


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