How does one guide the learner in online learning

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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The Internet has given Universities scope to implement a new type of learning and teaching medium. This has enabled greater access to course content for the learner, in both synchronous and asynchronous modes via computer-mediated communication (CMC). Online learning courses are aimed at people who prefer student centred learning allowing them to manage their own time within the constraints of a course. Giving students the ability to study from their home, the office or on the move makes these courses ideal for any person anywhere in the world. The focus of this paper is how does one guide the learner in online learning, ensuring the greatest benefit is gained.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2003
Event4th Annual LTSN-ICS Conference - Galway, Ireland
Duration: 26 Aug 200328 Aug 2003


Conference4th Annual LTSN-ICS Conference


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