Human resource systems and helping behavior: a multilevel perspective

Sasa Batistic, M. Cerne, I. Zupic

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    This study aims to theoretically conceptualize and empirically examine the influence of HR systems on helping behavior using a multilevel approach. More recent interests of scholars in studying HR system and their impact on various outcomes (Ibrahim & Dickie, 2010; Mossholder & Richardson, 2011) lack the inclusion of more multilevel perspective in studying strategic HRM (Huselid & Becker, 2010). To better understand the phenomena behind this process we need to merge the macro, company level, compliance and commitment HR, and helping behavior at the micro, individual level (Guest, 2011; Wright, Boswell, 2002). To contribute to this burning issue in the HR literature (Boon, Den Hartog, Boselie, & Paauwe, 2011; Wright & Nishii, 2007), we measured the constructs on both organizational (as perceived by the managers of the studied organizations) and individual level (as perceived by the employees).
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    Event27th workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management - Hotel Métropole, Brussels, Belgium
    Duration: 12 Apr 201213 Apr 2012


    Conference27th workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management


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