I want to break free: a study on women who seek freedom from religion and the Islamic veil in Turkey

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Since the late 2000s, Turkey has experienced de-Europeanisation, de-democratisation, and Islamist and authoritarian transformation that has also reinforced patriarchal understanding of gender relations and regressive gender norms. This study focuses on women’s freedom from religion and their liberty to decide whether to wear an Islamic veil in such a gendered socio-political climate. The online platform Yalnız Yürümeyeceksin [you will not walk alone] was born in 2018, and it anonymously publishes women’s life experiences around veiling. By examining 592 letters published between 2018 and 2020, this original study ascertains that women’s rights under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) have been disregarded against the backdrop of oppressed women’s lived histories. In doing so, the study reveals how various parties’ decisions around veiling shape women’s lives and how women’s rights and freedoms are violated vis-à-vis these decisions.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInterdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society
Early online date11 Oct 2022
Publication statusEarly online - 11 Oct 2022


  • Women’s Rights
  • Islamic Veil
  • Yalnız Yürümeyeceksin
  • Turkey
  • Freedom of Religion
  • #LetUsTalk


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