Ideologies & narratives in relation to ‘fat’ children as bullies, ‘easy targets’ and victims

Wendy Sims-Schouten, Helen Cowie

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    In this paper we explore narratives in relation to ‘fatness’, drawing on focus group interviews with parents, early years practitioners, teachers and young people. The study is located in a larger study on bullying and resilience, with no specific focus on obesity or ‘fatness’. Analysis of the interview data highlighted a recurrent focus on ‘fatness’ within the participants’ narratives, by labelling and stigmatising the ‘fat kid’ and ‘bigger children’. We conclude that obesity and fatness, as abnormalities, are now included in common sense talk in relation to ‘easy targets’, victims and bullies.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number0
    Pages (from-to)445-454
    Number of pages15
    JournalChildren and Society
    Issue number6
    Early online date11 Jan 2016
    Publication statusPublished - 3 Oct 2016


    • Childhood Obesity
    • Bullying


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