Imprints of massive primordial fields on large-scale structure

Emanuela Dimastrogiovanni, Matteo Fasiello, Marc Kamionkowski

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Attention has focussed recently on models of inflation that involve a second or more fields with a mass near the inflationary Hubble parameter H, as may occur in supersymmetric theories if the supersymmetry-breaking scale is not far from H. Quasi-single-field (QsF) inflation is a relatively simple family of phenomenological models that serve as a proxy for theories with additional fields with masses m~ H. Since QsF inflation involves fields in addition to the inflaton, the consistency conditions between correlations that arise in single-clock inflation are not necessarily satisfied. As a result, correlation functions in the squeezed limit may be larger than in single-field inflation. Scalar non-Gaussianities mediated by the massive isocurvature field in QsF have been shown to be potentially observable. These are especially interesting since they would convey information about the mass of the isocurvature field. Here we consider non-Gaussian correlators involving tensor modes and their observational signatures. A physical correlation between a (long-wavelength) tensor mode and two scalar modes (tss), for instance, may give rise to local departures from statistical isotropy or, in other words, a non-trivial four-point function. The presence of the tensor mode may moreover be inferred geometrically from the shape dependence of the four-point function. We compute tss and stt (one soft curvature mode and two hard tensors) bispectra in QsF inflation, identifying the conditions necessary for these to "violate" the consistency relations. We find that while consistency conditions are violated by stt correlations, they are preserved by the tss in the minimal QsF model. Our study of primordial correlators which include gravitons in seeking imprints of additional fields with masses m~ H during inflation can be seen as complementary to the recent ``cosmological collider physics'' proposal.
Original languageEnglish
Article number017
JournalJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Issue number02
Publication statusPublished - 8 Feb 2016


  • astro-ph.CO
  • gr-qc
  • hep-th


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