INSIDIA: a FIJI macro delivering high-throughput and high-content spheroid invasion analysis

Chiara Moriconi, Valentina Palmieri, Riccardo Di Santo, Giusy Tornillo, Massimiliano Papi, Geoff Pilkington, Marco De Spirito, Mark Gumbleton

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Time-series image capture of in vitro 3D spheroidal cancer models embedded within an extracellular matrix affords examination of spheroid growth and cancer cell invasion. However, a customizable, comprehensive and open source solution for the quantitative analysis of such spheroid images is lacking. Here, the authors describe INSIDIA (INvasion SpheroID ImageJ Analysis), an open-source macro implemented as a customizable software algorithm running on the FIJI platform, that enables high-throughput high-content quantitative analysis of spheroid images (both bright-field gray and fluorescent images) with the output of a range of parameters defining the spheroid “tumor” core and its invasive characteristics.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1700140
JournalBiotechnology Journal
Early online date6 Sept 2017
Publication statusEarly online - 6 Sept 2017


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