Inspiring and supportive technology ecosystems

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

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    When we think of learning technology the immediate thought is for delivering pedagogic activities of some kind however Higher Education is leveraging technology to create efficiencies and
    allow access to processes and information regardless of location. These technologies though, tend to be soulless and are removing more and more of the human contact that, in these times of increased student anxiety, is crucial to helping to support students. This presentation will highlight issues and explore how these systems may be developed to support an integrated technology ecosystem that engages and inspires students.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2020
    EventAdvance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2020 - Online
    Duration: 7 Jul 20207 Jul 2020


    ConferenceAdvance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2020
    Internet address


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