Institutional challenges and constraints for Ghana in exporting fishery products to the European Union

Yolaine Beyens, Pierre Failler, Berchie Asiedu

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    The objective of this article is to provide an analysis of the key institutional challenges and constraints that Ghana faces relative to food safety when exporting fishery products to European countries. Particular attention is given to the way Ghana conforms to European Union (EU) import requirements and complies with specific food safety measures, including traceability constraints. The major findings of the analysis are, firstly, the growing difficulty for institutions to adapt to more and more stringent EU regulations and to develop new sets of domestic rules; and, secondly, the lack of collaboration between key institutions does not allow the establishment of an efficient food safety system. These findings are important not only for Ghana, but also for other countries that are currently exporting fish to Europe or that wish to do so.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalFood Reviews International
    Early online date6 Feb 2017
    Publication statusEarly online - 6 Feb 2017


    • food safety
    • EU import procedures
    • requirements
    • developing countries
    • illegal fishing


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