Intra-operative ultrasound of the small bowel in Crohn’s disease – a video vignette

V. Celentano, R. Beable, C. Ball, R. Reeve, C. Lameirinhas, M. Harper, A. Higginson

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    A systematic and structured ultrasound scan (USS) evaluation of the entire small bowel is feasible intraoperatively during ileocolic Crohn’s disease (CD) surgery as we have previously reported [1]. Our video demonstrates the ultrasound assessment performed via a 4 cm midline laparotomy used for specimen extraction, extracorporeal control of the mesentery and fashioning of the anastomosis. The right colon and terminal ileum have been fully mobilised laparoscopically with a medial approach and the main steps of the laparoscopic procedure are also demonstrated in the video, with focus on anatomical landmarks and take down of the hepatic flexure.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalColorectal Disease
    Early online date25 Apr 2020
    Publication statusEarly online - 25 Apr 2020


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