Introducing AI into MEMS can lead us to brain-computer interfaces and super-human intelligence

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    Last year, I spoke about the progress being made in machine intelligence (Sanders, 2008c) and with sensors and networks of sensors (Sanders, 2008b). Earlier this year (in this journal) I spoke about ambient-intelligence, rapid-prototyping and the role of humans in the factories of the future (Sanders, 2009a). I addressed new applications and technologies such as merging machines with human beings, micro-electromechanics, electro-mechanical systems that can be personalized, smarter than human intelligence and swarms of smart sensors. Although the research to get us to all that will include human-machine interfaces, sensors, artificial intelligence (AI) and ambient intelligence (AmI), there is one technology above all others that has the potential to get us there fast […] and that is the creation and development of intelligent micro-electromechanical machines (MEMS).
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalAssembly Automation
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • SERG


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