Investigating ways to predict channel changes to inform flood risk management now and in the future

Hayley Bowman*, Richard Jeffries, Rebecca Ing, Matthew Hemsworth, Natasha Todd-Burley, Barry Hankin, Philip Soar, Colin R. Thorne

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Floods can cause severe and rapid changes in rivers. They can erode river banks and deposit vast quantities of sediment. This can impact on land-use, infrastructure (such as bridges and culverts), and properties where flood risk is increased. Understanding these natural processes, and where they are more likely to occur, can inform risk assessment, and identify opportunities to work with nature. Approaches to identify geomorphological activity in rivers have been reviewed to determine which could have potential to create a nationwide assessment of river channel change in England and Wales. Two existing approaches and two novel approaches have been tested and validated against fluvial audits to determine how well they identify geomorphological activity. One of the new approaches developed though the research was used to create a national scenario library of erosion maps representing different sediment sizes, channel roughness, and rainfall probabilities. Such information could be used to plan for future change, prioritise
    channel maintenance activity to locations with greatest risk or opportunity, and deliver sustainable flood risk and environment management.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages11
    Publication statusPublished - 22 Jun 2021
    Event4th European Conference on Flood Risk Management: Science and practice for an uncertain future - Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest, Hungary
    Duration: 22 Jun 202124 Jun 2021


    Conference4th European Conference on Flood Risk Management
    Abbreviated titleFlood Risk 2020
    Internet address


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