Is intergenerational transmission of violence a strong predictor of intimate partner violence? Evidence from Nepal

Tamsin Bradley, Jagriti Tanwar*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Literature on women’s economic empowerment argues that women’s income builds resilience and leads to reduction in intimate partner violence (IPV). We challenge this by showing a positive (statistically) insignificant link between women’s economic status and IPV, but significant positive links between women’s economic contribution and IPV, and men’s intergenerational violent behaviour and IPV. Based on a sample of 553 married women drawn from Nepal, we find that paid or precarious work is positively but insignificantly associated with IPV. Findings however reveal that after controlling for other factors, women contributing equally or more to household income are significantly at higher risks of IPV. Similarly, if a man has witnessed domestic violence while growing up, he is more likely to commit violence within his own marriage. We therefore argue for the need to transform men’s attitude and behaviours through targeted programmes to break the cycle of violence.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Asian and African Studies
Early online date14 Dec 2022
Publication statusEarly online - 14 Dec 2022


  • intergenerational violent behaviour
  • Nepal
  • OLS regression
  • Violence against women


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