Is teaching EAP a profession? A reflection on EAP’s professional status, values, community and knowledge

Jennifer Sizer

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This article reflects on the extent to which teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP) can be regarded as a profession by investigating and evaluating: the status, values, community and knowledge associated with teaching EAP (English for Academic Purposes.) The findings suggest teaching EAP has an objectively-recognised status as a profession with a well-established community of professionals e.g. IATEFL ESP SIG and BALEAP with shared professional values and knowledge informed by a broad and comprehensive academic and professional knowledge base.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26-34
JournalProfessional and Academic English: Journal of the IATEFL English for Specific Purposes Special Interest Group
Issue number52
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2019


  • EAP
  • profession


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