Knowledge-based expert system using a set of rules to assist a tele-operated mobile robot

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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This paper firstly reviews five artificial intelligence tools that might be useful in as-sisting a tele-operator with driving a mobile robot: knowledge-based systems (in-cluding rule based systems and case-based reasoning), automatic knowledge ac-quisition, fuzzy logic, neural networks and genetic algorithms. Rule-based sys-tems were selected to provide simple real time AI techniques to support tele-operated mobile robot operators with steering because they allow tele-operators to be included in the driving as much as possible and to reach their target destina-tion, while providing assistance when needed to avoid an obstacle. The direction to a destination (via point) becomes an extra input along with an obstacle avoid-ance sensor system and the usual inputs from a joystick. A recommended direc-tion is mixed with joystick position and angle. A rule-based system generates a recommended angle to turn the mobile robot and that is mixed with an input from a joystick in order to assist tele-operators with steering their mobile robots towards their destinations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIntelligent Systems and Applications
Subtitle of host publicationExtended and Selected Results from the SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2016
EditorsYaxin Bi, Supriya Kapoor, Rahul Bhatia
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-319-69266-1
ISBN (Print)978-3-319-69265-4, 978-2-287-25205-1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2018
EventSAI Intelligent Systems Conference 2016 - London, United Kingdom
Duration: 21 Sept 201622 Sept 2016

Publication series

NameStudies in Computational Intelligence
ISSN (Print)1860-949X


ConferenceSAI Intelligent Systems Conference 2016
Abbreviated titleIntelliSys 2016
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • knowledge-base
  • assist
  • mobile robot
  • tele-operate
  • rules
  • expert


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