Large-scale structure in the NIR-selected MUNICS survey

C. S. Botzler, J. Snigula, R. Bender, N. Drory, G. Feulner, G. J. Hill, U. Hopp, C. Maraston, C. Mendes de Oliveira

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Munich Near-IR Cluster Survey (MUNICS) is a wide-area, medium-deep, photometric survey selected in the K' band. The project's main scientific aims are the identification of galaxy clusters up to redshifts of unity and the selection of a large sample of field early-type galaxies up to z < 1.5 for evolutionary studies. We created a Large Scale Structure catalog, using a new structure finding technique specialized for photometric datasets, that we developed on the basis of a friends-of-friends algorithm. We tested the plausibility of the resulting galaxy group and cluster catalog with the help of Color-Magnitude Diagrams (CMD), as well as a likelihood- and Voronoi-approach.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)393-396
JournalAstrophysics and Space Science
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2003


  • galaxies : photometric redshift
  • survey
  • cluster finding : friends-of-friends


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