Lawworks law schools pro bono and clinic report 2014

Damian Carney, Frank Dignan, Richard Grimes, Grace Kelly, Rebecca Parker

Research output: Book/ReportMonographpeer-review

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This is a biennial survey which looks at the extent to which law schools are utilising clinical legal education (i.e. experiential learning, often requiring students to give legal advice or information to members of the public, albeit supervised by law school staff or outside lawyers).

The report found that 96% of those law schools who had responded provided clinical legal education. It also found that the amount of training provided by outside lawyers had increased dramatically since the first survey of its kind in 2000 had increased from 18% of responses to 49% of the sample suggesting the success of LawWorks (the legal professions' pro bono organisation). It also indicated that law schools were responding to legal aid cuts by offering more services, many in areas like family law, which law schools have not provided.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherLexisNexis UK
Number of pages44
ISBN (Print)9781405799485
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2014


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