Learning is the Key - Neill, A.

Charlie Watts (Editor)

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationEditorial


    In my second year we do a unit where we can work with a client. I knew I had the skill set to be an effective freelancer. As luck would have it I was contacted by a client who wanted me to produce a promotional video for the university’s women's football team. .one of my units was to find 80 hours of work experience. I knew I had the capability to take it upon myself and somewhat become a ‘freelancer’ and specialize in every single role required to produce what they were looking for. I agreed and came up with a plan. Paperwork was completed and filming began. The interviews from the players told the story on what's it's like to be a member and I decided to be extra fancy and work on green screen. The other shots were from location and everything married nicely together where AVID and I got to spend more quality time together.
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationKitPlus
    Publication statusPublished - 12 Feb 2018


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