Legitimisation strategies and managerial capture: a critical discourse analysis of employment relations in Nigeria

Emeka Oruh, Uzoechi Nwagbara, Chima Mordi, Rahman Mushfiqur

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    Irrespective of the fundamental role of legitimacy in industrial relations as well as social and organisational life, little is known of the subtle meaning-making strategies through which organisational concepts, such as employment relations and engagement, are legitimised in modern world of work, particularly in developing countries such as Nigeria, which results in managerial capture. As a result, this paper explores the discursive legitimisation strategies used when making sense of employment relations in Nigeria’s conflictual, non-participatory employment relations terrain. Relying on Leeuwen’s legitimisation strategies, critical discourse analysis (CDA) and call by Bailey, Luck & Townsend and Legge to widen employment relations discourse, we explore interview, focus group and shadow report data, and distinguish and analyse five legitimisation strategies. The strategies include authorisation, moralisation, mythopoesis, rationalisation, and management. Therefore, we contend that while these specific legitimisation strategies appear in separate data source, their recurrent manifestation and application underscores legitimising discourse of managerial capture in Nigeria’s employment relations.

    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages27
    JournalInternational Journal of Human Resource Management
    Early online date9 Jul 2018
    Publication statusEarly online - 9 Jul 2018


    • employment relations
    • CDA
    • legitimacy theory
    • legitimisation
    • managerialism
    • managerial capture/control
    • employers
    • employees
    • Nigeria


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