Linked data for libraries: benefits of a conceptual shift from library-specific record structures to RDF-based data models

Getaneh Alemu, Brett Stevens, Penny Ross, Jane Chandler

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Contemporary metadata principles and standards tended to result in document-centric rather than data-centric; human-readable rather than machine-processable metadata. In order for libraries to create and harness shareable, mashable and re-usable metadata, a conceptual shift can be achieved by adjusting current library models such as Resource Description and Access (RDA) and Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) to models based on Linked Data principles. In relation to technical formats, libraries can leapfrog to Linked Data technical formats such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF), without disrupting current library metadata operations. This paper provides six key recommendations for libraries and standards agencies. These include rising to the challenges and embracing the opportunities presented by current technological trends, adopting minimal requirements of Linked Data principles, developing ontologies, deciding on what needs to be retained from current library models, becoming part of the Linked Data cloud, and developing mixed-metadata (standards-based and socially-constructed) approaches. Finally, the paper concludes by identifying and discussing five major benefits of such metadata re-conceptualisation. The benefits include metadata openness and sharing, serendipitous discovery of information resources, identification of zeitgeist and emergent metadata, facet-based navigation and metadata enriched with links.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 May 2012
EventWorld Library and Information Congress 78th IFLA General Conference and Assembly - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 11 Aug 201217 Aug 2012


ConferenceWorld Library and Information Congress 78th IFLA General Conference and Assembly


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