Lithostratigraphic and geochronological framework for the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last ∼36 ka cal BP from a sediment record from Lake Iznik (NW Turkey)

Patricia Angelika Roeser*, Sven Oliver Franz, Thomas Litt, Umut Bariş Ülgen, Alexandra Hilgers, Sabine Wulf, Volker Wennrich, Sena Akçer ön, Finn A. Viehberg, M. Namik Çaĝatay, Martin Melles

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    New sediment cores were recovered from two sites in the central part of Lake Iznik with the overall aim of reconstructing past environmental conditions of the Marmara region. The composite profile presented here, IZN09/LC2&LC3, encompasses the late Pleistocene to Holocene transition (c. 36 ka cal BP) which is the longest lacustrine record in this region obtained to date. A lithostratigraphical and geochronological framework builds the basis to establish a composite section for first inferences on the paleo Lake Iznik. The recovered sedimentary record was divided into five stratigraphic units which can be correlated between the different coring locations. The proposed age-depth model is based on eleven 14C dates (eight radiocarbon-dated levels) and two tephra layers, supported by three OSL ages. The modeled age distribution of the Ca/Ti ratio and magnetic susceptibility express variations in the carbonate accumulation in balance with clastic sediment input. Starting from the end of MIS 3 with high clastic input, Lake Iznik passed through a low lake-level during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), delineated by a sublitoral sedimentary facies, and reduced sedimentation rates. After c. 18 ka cal BP, the onset of primary carbonate deposition might be linked to meltwater inflow into the lake as well as onset of lake productivity. From this time onward, there is a gradual increase in carbonate accumulation punctuated by the occurrence of an iron-sulfidic layer which coincides with the Younger Dryas event. At the early Holocene, the lake presents a minimum level as reflected by the maximum carbonate production, followed by a lake level rise at c. 9 ka cal BP when it reached a level similar to the modern situation.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)73-87
    Number of pages15
    JournalQuaternary International
    Early online date12 Jun 2012
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2012


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